This project specifically addresses historical inquiry, as defined by the C3 Framework and quoted in the California Department of Education History Social Science Framework.
“Historical inquiry involves acquiring knowledge about significant events, developments, individuals, groups, documents, places, and ideas to support investigations about the past. Acquiring relevant knowledge requires assembling information from a wide variety of sources in an integrative process. Students might begin with key events or individuals introduced by the teacher or identified by educational leaders at the state level, and then investigate them further.”
Technology required
Device with a browser for Warrior Vets game and to create slide presentation.
2 – 3 hours of class time. Out of class time varies by student.
Lesson Summary
Students hear a presentation on the assignment, play a game introducing several Native American veterans and then conduct their own on-line research with the help of the provided research guides.
I’ve used a similar assignment with my eleventh-grade students but I am considering revising it for use in ninth-grade as well.
Day 1: In-class
- Presentation to discuss Native American veterans research project
- Students complete Project Planning Sheet.
- Student play Warrior Vets game on Chromebooks.
Day 2: In-class
- Continue presentation starting at slide #10
- Students complete Native American Veteran Research sheet.
- Students begin work on slide presentation.
Day 3: Student presentations (optional)
Teachers may elect to have students present in class as either a requirement or for extra credit. Alternatively, depending on class time and students’ level, teachers may elect to simply have the presentations submitted for a grade.