Be part of developing innovative instruction for grades 3 through 8.
We are looking for teachers to fill our third cohort to provide feedback on our Growing Math orientation program, lessons and software. We will pay you $150 for less than 4 hours of your time. We will also give you a classroom license for all 7 Generation Games software, good through Spring, 2023.
If you are interested (totally not required) we pay $50 per lesson for any lessons you write that are included on our site. Feel free to explore our site to get an idea of the types of lessons we have. If you think you have a better idea, we’d love to hear it.
If possible, we recommend having a group of teachers from the same school attending the orientation together. To schedule a session for your school, email growingmath@7generationgames.com .
However, if you missed the session scheduled for your school, are a substitute teacher at various schools or simply want to get a jump start with a group of fellow innovative teachers, you can sign up as an individual teacher here.